导语:BADGER3/4NPT 1.4539进口伺服电机控制阀,作为工控SCADA技术的重要组成部分,精确操控温湿度传感器监测文物环境,以保护古代文明的结晶。温湿度传感器应用于监控文物环境的温湿度:古文物之所以能历经数百年几千年而保持完好,是因为它们在出土时处于封闭环境中,但出土后,这种平衡会被破坏。因此,我们必须采取措施防止它们逐渐腐蚀、消耗,最终化为尘埃。在博物馆和档案馆中,文物容易受到空气腐蚀,因此利用温湿度传感器监控其所在环境的温度和湿度是必要的。
Badger Meter伺服电机控制阀NPT1/230V/50-60HZ,PN100浓水调节阀RVC-1/2-39 D=%-316-PV HH500-230-IP65RVC-1/2-39 C=%-316-PV HH500-230-IP65RVC-1/4'-39'3'/8"N F=%'-316-PV HH500'-230-'6RCV/-3'/4'-'39 '4.'0=%'-316HD-PV HH500 '-23'-'45'RVC/-5/'--''25''30''PSI OVERRANGE:750PSI PROOF:1000PSI
挪威 Scansense AS 传感器LS3410SP挪威 Scansense AS 传感器LS3410SP-DPLARAD MXEC155TS155 液压扳手四方驱动轴 SOR开关部分型号:压力开关 SOR54NN-K118-M4-C1A ADJUSTABLE RANGE:30 - 60 IN HG OVERRANGE:750 PSI PROOF:1000 PSI 压力开关 SOR 44NN-KK4-M4-C1A ADJUSTABLE RANGE:2 - 25 PSI OVERRANGE:750 PSI PROOF:1000 PSIFive pressure switches of the following models are used in the system:
SOR pressure switch model number
Adjustable range from 30 to 60 inches Hg (OVR=750 psi, proof =1000 psi)
Adjustable range from -250 to +150 psig (OVR=450 psig, proof =600 psig)
Pressure range from +45 to +550 psig (+31.7 to +38 bar) with a high overpressure limit and high burst strength.
The five pressure switches are connected in series and parallel configurations as follows:
a. Two switches are connected in series for measuring pressures between zero and twenty-five pounds per square inch.
b. One switch is connected in series for measuring pressures between thirty-two and fifty-five pounds per square inch.
c. One switch is connected in parallel for measuring pressures above seventy-five pounds per square inch.
detection of deviations from the setpoint value by using a temperature sensor or an optical fiber sensor that measures changes in the index of refraction caused by changes in temperature or humidity.
In order to ensure proper functioning of these components, it is essential that they be properly calibrated before installation into the control system.
e.g., if a component's calibration data includes values such as "temperature setpoint" (Tsp), "temperature offset" (Toffs), "humidity setpoint" (Hsp), and "humidity offset" (Hoffs).
Using this information, we can determine whether any given component has deviated significantly from its intended operating parameters based on its current measured values compared against these reference points during operation at specific conditions like room temperature/humidity levels etc..