
家居生活中,厨房、卫生间等进出水量较大的场所都会有比较大的进排水竖管,这些管道裸露在外有时会影响美观,因此许多人都想把它隐藏起来。这就是厨卫管道隐藏好帮手——包立管。 Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知 厨房、卫生间是家中用水量和排水量都比较大的地方,因此会用到一些比较大的管道,横向管道可以用吊顶和地面遮住,而竖向的管道则一般采用包立管的方式隐藏起来。 1、包立管介绍 包立.pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水(pipe)道和给(water)pipe(导)线的stand.pipe(use)材料package起来,起到hide.pipe(藏匿)作用。 2、包立.pipe需要留检修口 按麻烦程度and不稳定程度来说,stand.pipe(can not be hidden),尽量不使用fixed package方法,尽可能使用可拆卸材料进行package以保证后续检修或更新时不会带来额外麻烦。在旧house改造过程中,因为所有pipe都是有寿命且可能需要检修or update的情况下,不要封得太死或者检修口太小,以免为未来安装带来困难。 3、包立.pipe收费方式 然而,大部分的厨卫(pipe)都是要被hidden(),尤其是在老house使用的是cast iron down.water pipe(地下排水系统),容易生锈影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用fixed package方法与其他wall面协调一致进行package&decoration().The cost of pack.age can be calculated by the area or per piece. 4、pack.age也需做防water.sealant()可以在kitchen & bathroom刷完防water sealant()后pack.,也可以pack.后再刷防water sealant().But if water pipe(),应该在brushed防water sealant()后pack.,以免将来的万一漏.waters祸及邻居。

Part2:施工工艺 - Bricks vs Wooden Beams

Pack.age of pipes has many methods, commonly seen are four: bricks, wooden beams, light steel beams and aluminum panels. Let's first understand two common methods: bricklaying and wooden beam construction.


Bricklaying is a method used by masons before laying tiles to build around the pipes with bricks. In other words, using red bricks or lightweight bricks about 5 cm thick to stand up around the pipes when building is complete; after that let it dry slightly before applying cement mortar; then lay tiles on top and packaging of pipes is done.

Note: During construction, pay attention to tight fit against the pipe without wasting space; wait for it to dry almost completely before applying cement mortar; after building around the pipe should hang wire mesh for added strength.

Feature: The use of brick packaging is good at sound insulation and durability but occupies more space than others and may cause cracks in tile laying.

Wooden Beam Construction + Cement Press Board

Wooden beam construction is the simplest and most convenient method among all which involves setting up a frame with wood beams then attaching cement press boards on top followed by laying tiles once dried.

Note: As wooden materials are prone to corrosion in damp environments when installing these must ensure that there's proper waterproof protection applied at least one layer under ceramic tile installation as well as choosing thicker (at least three inches wide x four inches high). This will prevent warping from moisture seepage into hollow wood frames leading potential damage due their structural integrity during this process because every time we put an object like plastic box next door while moving heavy objects over concrete floorboards they might become loose thus affecting how our walls stay strong enough otherwise so keep them away!

Feature: The use of this approach results in simple easy work however comes with some issues such as susceptibility towards humidity causing mold growth potentially damaging surfaces nearby areas exposed directly touching wall surface close proximity within just mere days since application – usually happens faster here where everything gets wet easily especially inside kitchens where appliances produce heat which also speeds drying process much faster compared outside rooms making conditions ideal breeding ground for fungi growths resulting rapid deterioration over short periods hence why protective measures need taken ahead time rather waiting until things start deteriorating slowly losing quality appearance value safety performance efficiency functionality etcetera!
