

Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知


1、包立 管介绍

包立 管是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水pipe 和给water pipe 的stand-pipe 用decorative material 包装起来,起到隐藏 pipe 的作用。

2、包立 管需要留检修口

按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,stand-pipe 能不package尽量不package,能use 可拆卸 material 的package就尽量不use 固定 package 法,能use 轻质 material package 就尽量not use 厚重 material package。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipe 都是有寿命的,都是一定要检查或更新的。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的decorating 带去麻烦。

3、包立 管收费方式

然而,大部分的kitchen and bathroom pipes 都是要package 的,不过大多数时候我们都是采用固定法与其他wall face 统一协调来进行package 与decoration。Package fee 可以按面积计费,也可以按个算fee。

4、包立 管也需做防水

可以在kitchen 和bathroom刷完防water涂料后package 立pipe,也可以after packaging再刷防water 涂料。但如果water pipe,那应该在brush 完防water 涂料后才去packaging,以免将来万一leakage 发生祸及邻居。有check-point 的注意,在packaging的时候留好,以备将来随时之需。

Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法

Packaging stand-pipes 的施工方法很多种,但常见的一般有四种,一种是brick-work 法,一种是plywood-beam 法,还有一种是aluminum-sheet 法。一切转变至plywood-beam 法,让我们开始了解一下吧!

1、砌砖法 Brick-work Method

Brick-work 方法简单直接,用red brick 或5公分轻体brick 在贴bricks 前,用red brick 或5公分轻体brick 砌起框架,然后晾干,再抹sand-cement 使其牢固。在此基础上,可以贴tiles 或marble stones 等decoration materials 来完成整体设计效果。






plywood-beam 加sand-cement 板法 Plywood Beam with Sand-Cement Board Method

Plywood-beam 是最简单,最省事的一种方法,用plywood beam 搭建支架,然后钉上sand-cement 板,再抹灰后贴瓷砖即可。





LighSteel Frame 加sand-cement 板法 LighSteel Frame with Sand-Cement Board Method

LighSteel Frame 是目前使用最广泛的一种材料,不易变形,是目前使用最普遍的一种材料。但必须小心选择质量高的LighSteel Frame 防止生锈或腐蚀,同时正确执行工艺对质量至关重要。


通常使用四根LighSteel Frame 做成框架经监理验收后,再填充Sand-Cement 板并挂钢丝网最后再贴磁片。不规则施工步骤:

只使用三根LighSteel Frame 加两片Sand-Cement 板制作。这次没有做成框架,只起一个连接作用,比标准程序少了一步而已,但看似节约了成本实际上并不结实,并且可能导致未来维护难度增加。

Ducting method - 使用塑铝板 Plasterboard-based Packaging Stand-Pipes for Kitchen and Bathroom

Ducting method, also known as the plasterboard-based packaging method, is a simple yet effective way to conceal pipes in your kitchen or bathroom. This approach involves attaching plasterboards around the pipes using nails or screws, ensuring that they are securely fastened.

The advantages of this method include its simplicity and ease of installation, making it an ideal choice for DIY enthusiasts or those on a budget. Additionally, this method provides good insulation against noise and heat transfer between rooms.

However, it's important to note that this method may not be suitable for all situations, particularly if you have limited space or prefer a more decorative finish. In such cases, other methods like brickwork or plywood beam might be more appropriate.

In conclusion, when it comes to hiding kitchen and bathroom pipes in your home renovation project, there are various methods available depending on your preferences and requirements. By choosing the right approach based on factors such as cost-effectiveness, aesthetics appeal
