家居生活中,厨房、卫生间等进出水量较大的场所都会有比较大的进排水竖管,这些管道裸露在外有时会影响美观,因此许多人都想把它隐藏起来。这就是厨卫管道隐藏好帮手——包立管。 Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知 厨房、卫生间是家中用水量和排水量都比较大的地方,因此会用到一些比较大的管道,横向管道可以用吊顶和地面遮住,而竖向的管道则一般采用包立管的方式隐藏起来。 1、包立pipe介绍 包立pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水管道和给水pipe的stand-pipe用装修材料包装起来,起到隐藏pipe的作用。 2、包立pipe需要留检修口 按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,stand-pipe能不pack尽量不pack,能使用可拆卸材料的pack法就尽量不使用固定pack法,能使用轻质材料pack就尽量不使用厚重材料pack。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipes都是有寿命的,都可能需要检修或更新。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的decor带去麻烦。 3、包立pipe收费方式 然而,大部分的厨卫pipes都是要pack 的,更特别的是老house使用铸铁下water pipe容易生锈影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定Pack法与其他墙面统一协调来进行Pack与decoration。一种办法是按面积计费,一种方法是按个算费。
4.5, Pack法也需做防渗透
可以在厕所刷完防渗透涂料后Pack stand-pipe,也可以Pack stand-pipe后再刷防渗透涂料。但如果water pipe,就应该在刷完防渗透涂料后Pack stand-pipe,以免将来万一stand-pipes漏了祸及邻居,有Pipe检查口注意,在Pack stand-pipe的时候留好,以备将来随时之需。
Part2:施工工艺 Bricklaying vs Wooden Studs
Package Pipe's construction method has many ways, commonly used are four kinds: Bricklaying, Wooden Studs, Lightweight Steel Studs and Aluminum Panels. Below we first understand the conversion method and wooden studs.
Bricklaying is a method of masonry construction in which bricks or blocks are stacked on top of each other to form a wall. The bricks or blocks are held together by mortar, which is a mixture of cement, sand and water.
Note: When laying bricks or blocks for building walls that will be exposed to weather conditions such as rain or sunlight it is important to use high-quality materials that can withstand these conditions.
Wooden Studs with Cement Board
The second common method is using wooden studs with cement board. This involves creating a frame using wood studs and then attaching cement board panels to the frame using screws.
Note: It's important when installing wooden studs that they are installed properly so that they do not rot over time from exposure to moisture.
Also note that it's important when installing cement board panels that they are installed properly so that they do not crack over time from exposure to moisture.
It's also important when installing both wood studs and cement board panels together in one installation process (such as this)that all materials used have been tested for compatibility before being combined into one product package; otherwise there may be problems down the line due to improper installation methods causing damage caused by excessive stress put onto certain components within your house structure during normal usage patterns occurring during typical residential living situations like moving furniture around inside rooms etcetera etcetera...