

Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知



包立pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水pipe和给water pipe的stand pipe用装修材料package起来,起到隐藏pipe的作用。


按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,stand pipe能不pack尽量不pack,能用可拆卸材料's pack法就尽量不使用固定pack法,能使用轻质材料pack就尽量不使用厚重材料pack。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipe都是有寿命的,都是一定可能需要检修或更新的。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的decorating带去麻烦。


然而,大部分的厨卫pipework都是要pack 的,更特别是老house使用的大铁下water pipe容易生锈影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定pack法与其他wall face统一协调来进行package与decoration。Package of stand pipes' cost可以根据面积计费,也可以按个算费。

4、Package of stand pipes也需做防水处理

可以在kitchen and bathroom刷完防water涂料后package of stand pipes,也可以package of stand pipes后再刷防water涂料。但如果water pipework,就应该在刷完防water涂料后package of stand pipes,以免将来万一pipework漏了祸及邻居。有检查口’s注意,在package of stand pipes的时候留好,以备将来不时之需。

Part2:Construction Methods: Bricklaying vs. Wood Stud Method

The construction methods for package of standpipes have many varieties, the most common ones being bricklaying, wood stud method, lightweight steel stud method, and aluminum board method. Let's first look at the cutting-in method and wood stud method.

1., Bricklaying Method

Bricklaying is a technique used by masons in which they lay bricks around the piping before tiling begins. This means that red bricks are used to build a framework around the piping. Once this is done, it is allowed to dry before cement mortar is applied over it. The tiles are then laid on top.

Note: During laying bricks, ensure that they are tightly fitted against the piping without wasting any space. Allow the frame to dry completely before applying cement mortar so that it becomes more durable.


Good sound insulation.

Less prone to cracking or deforming.


It takes up more space.

Not as aesthetically pleasing as other methods.

2., Wood Stud with Cement Board Method

This is one simple yet effective way to package your plumbing system using wooden studs and water-resistant boards (cement boards). The wooden studs serve as supports while placing water-resistant boards on them; once these boards are set in place with screws or nails, you can proceed with installing your flooring material - be it tile or hardwood - right over them.


To prevent moisture from seeping into wooden studs through cracks between floorboards when wet floors come into contact with hot surfaces like radiators during winter months,

it may be necessary for homeowners living in colder climates where snowfall occurs regularly; install waterproof underlayment beneath all hardwood floors prior installation process starts;

this layer will help protect exposed areas from damage caused by excessive humidity levels inside homes due later heat loss events such as those experienced near heating systems located within walls containing damp soil outside building envelopes!


In order maintain long-lasting quality performance without compromising structural integrity either type installed must follow manufacturer guidelines strictly adhered throughout entire project duration!
