

Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知



包立pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下water pipe和给water pipe的standpipe用装修材料packaging起来,起到隐藏pipe的作用。


按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,standpipe能不pack尽量不pack,能use可拆卸材料's pack法就尽量不use固定pack法,能use轻质材料pack就尽量不use厚重材料pack。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipe都是有寿命的,都是一些可能需要检修或更新的。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的装修带去麻烦。


然而,大部分的厨卫water pipe都是要pack 的,更特别是老house使用'copper water pipe’,容易生锈,影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定pack法与其他wall face统一协调来进行package与decoration。package of standpipes fee可以按area计费,也可以按个算fee。

4、package of standpipes也需做防水

可以在kitchen and bathroom刷完防水涂料后package of standpipes,也可以package of standpipes后再刷防水涂料。但如果water pipe,就应该在刷完防水涂料后package of standpipes,以免将来万一water leak祸及邻居。have some checkup points' notice in packaging package of standpipes的时候留好,以备将来not times之需。

Part2:Construction Method Bricks vs Wooden Beams

Package of Standpipes construction method has many, the main ones are four, respectively bricklaying method, wooden beam method, light steel beam method and aluminum board method. Below first come to understand the turntable method and wooden beam method.

1., Bricklaying Method

Bricklaying Method is by mason constructed before tile laying use red bricks or 5 cm lightweight bricks to build a form around the vertical water pipes. After it dries slightly, apply cement mortar to fill gaps between bricks for a solid base before tiling. This way hides the vertical water pipes.

Note: In building forms pay attention not waste space; wait until forms have dried slightly before applying cement mortar; after filling gaps with cement mortar let dry completely before tiling; this ensures stability.

Characteristics: Using bricklaying methods hiding vertical water pipes good sound insulation durable unlikely to crack after tiling but occupies more space.

2., Wooden Beam + Cement Press Board Method

Wooden Beam + Cement Press Board is most simple easiest one uses wooden beams construct scaffolding then nail press boards on top apply cement mortar layer lay tiles over them done.

Note: Since wood material used in humid environment prone corrosion install waterproof protection at bottom end prior to laying tiles also choose thicker beams above 3*4 cm avoid warping cracking tiles may burst open seams if not properly laid.

Characteristics: Simple easy installation but wood material susceptible moisture damage warps cracks easily prone bursting seams when laying tiles.

Part3:Common Construction Techniques Light Steel Beams vs Aluminum Boards

Above introduced bricklaying and wooden beam + cement press board methods now look at other two methods one light steel beams another aluminum boards.

1., Light Steel Beams + Cement Press Board Method

Light steel beams + cement press board hide stands well little chance deformation currently most widely used materials however careful selection necessary avoid rust deforming affecting quality correct or incorrect construction technique affects final product quality.

Standard construction process typically use four light steel beams frame verified by inspector seal with concrete pressure plate hang wire mesh finally attach magnetic sheet non-standard process only three light steel beams add two concrete pressure plates made frame connection lacking thus less stable labor cost saving though.
