家居生活中,厨房、卫生间等进出水量较大的场所都会有比较大的进排水竖管,这些管道裸露在外有时会影响美观,因此许多人都想把它隐藏起来。这就是厨卫管道隐藏好帮手——包立管。 Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知 厨房、卫生间是家中用水量和排水量都比较大的地方,因此会用到一些比较大的管道,横向管道可以用吊顶和地面遮住,而竖向的管道则一般采用包立管的方式隐藏起来。 1、包立管介绍 包立.pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水pipe和给water.pipe.of使用材料包装起来,起到隐藏pipe的作用。 2、包立.pipe需要留检修口 按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,pipe能不.pack尽量不.pack,能.use可拆卸.materials'pack法就尽量.not.use固定.pack法,能.use轻质.materials'pack就尽量.not.use厚重.materials'pack。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为.pipe都是有寿命的,都有一些可能需要检修或更新的。封得太死,或檢修口太小,都会给以后的裝修带去麻烦。 3、包立.pipe收费方式 然而,大部分のchufei pipe都是要.pack's,所以一般情况下会采用固定.pack与其他墙面统一协调来进行.pack与decorate'.The fee of pack can be calculated by area or per piece. 4、防water也需做防water涂料处理 可以在chufei刷完防water涂料后pack, 也可以pack后再刷防water涂料。但如果water pipe,就应该在刷完防water涂料后pack,以免将来万一pipe路漏水祸及邻居。
Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法
Pack of chufei pipe has many methods, the main four are bricklaying method, wood dragon bone method, light steel dragon bone method and aluminum plate method. Let's first understand the cut-through method and wood dragon bone method.
1 Bricklaying Method
Bricklaying is a construction technique used by masons before tiling, using red bricks to build a frame around the pipe. The bricks should be tightly fitted against the pipe and allowed to dry before applying mortar. After that, tile over with ceramic tiles for a smooth finish.
Note: Pay attention to not wasting space while building the frame; wait until it dries before applying mortar; reinforce with iron mesh after completion for added strength.
Features: Good sound insulation; strong structure; less prone to cracking upon tiling but occupies more space.
2 Wood Dragon Bone Method
Wood dragon bones provide an easy installation process in which wooden frames are built around pipes and covered with water-resistant panels for additional protection from moisture damage. This approach simplifies work but may lead to warping due to humidity exposure as well as potential problems during tiling due to uneven surfaces between panel joints.
Note: Apply waterproof sealant at bottom corners where wood meets concrete floorboards following this step so no leaks occur through pipes into exposed areas near them when installed further up on walls containing these structural elements within our home renovation projects - ensure good quality materials selection throughout entire project execution phases!