
2022年8月8日,上海 - 全球移动机器人市场的领导者- Mobile Industrial Robots(以下简称:MiR)与智能存储解决方案制造商Modula面向全球市场,联合发布全新自动化存储、拣货及物料搬运解决方案。这一全自动系统适用于仓库、生产车间、配送中心等场景内指定区域的物品运输任务,将大幅降低相关工作过往对人力的依赖,旨在帮助更多企业实现“黑灯工厂”转型。这也是MiR自今年第二季度发布机器人软件更新后,又一项重要的软件能力拓展。

MiR自主移动机器人中国区销售总监张愉表示:“从小米到格力,我们看到越来越多的中国企业都在推动黑灯工厂的建设,其本质是通过自动化技术的部署,实现工厂从运输到焊接组装等环节任务的智能化、“无人化”。MiR和Modula此次推出的操作系统,便是在自动备料和装车运输层面实现了‘黑灯’。凭借卓越的软件系统,MiR AMR与Modula的存储单元密切集成,可以保证机器人精准运行、多机协同,并且和人安全共存,做到技能互补。”


单个货物半自动拣货:操作人员从Modula提供的一个独立单元中分拣单个货物,然后交由MiRAMRAutomatic Transport Robot将其安全地运送至特定区域,如集散中心。


单个货物全自动拣货:利用协作式机械手臂功能,从Modulastorage unit中提取出每件商品并确保其安全无误地被移送至下一步骤中的另一个摊位或者集散中心。


软件能力是Mobile Industrial Robots今年着重关注的一项创新领域,同时也是当今制造业客户在实施高度自动化时期所急需的一系列要求。在《中国制造2025》的指导下,一些公司开始形成数十台甚至数百台合作性的AMRs群体作业模式,这对于协助性移动机械人的开发提出了三个关键需求。一是确保每辆AMRs自身能够稳定、高效执行各类任务;二是根据不同流程制定特别编码以便于程序执行;三则要使得各种不同的现有工业设备能够轻松兼容,使之成为整个生态圈不可或缺的一部分。



MiRSelf-propelled mobile robots will be showcased alongside URcollaborative robots at the China International Industry Fair in September, with the theme of "Innovating Integration and Winning Together." This event promises to offer visitors a unique glimpse into the future of automation technology, as well as new insights into how these innovations can be applied across various industries.

At this year's fair, MiRWill also unveil its latest product – the MiRL1350 AMRAutonomous Transport Robot – which is designed to handle heavy payloads and navigate complex warehouse environments with ease.

As we look towards an increasingly automated future, it's clear that companies like Mobile Industrial Robots are leading the charge in terms of innovation and technological advancement. With their commitment to safety, efficiency and interoperability, they're helping businesses around the world transform their operations for a better tomorrow.

By leveraging cutting-edge software solutions combined with advanced hardware capabilities, MiRand Modulahave set a new standard for warehouse automation that is both efficient and safe for workers.

The partnership between these two industry leaders has resulted in a comprehensive solution that addresses key pain points such as labor shortages, increased productivity demands and space constraints within warehouses.

For manufacturers looking to optimize their supply chain management processes while reducing costs associated with manual labor or outdated systems – this collaboration offers an exciting opportunity to explore what’s possible when technology meets creativity.

So don’t miss out on witnessing firsthand how Mobile Industrial Robots is revolutionizing warehousing logistics by attending China International Industry Fair next month!

标签: 科技行业资讯
