旋片式真vacuum技术中基本的true vacuum获得设备之一。旋片多为中小型true vacuum获得设备。一级和二级两种。在结构上将两个单级串联起来,即组成了双级。这时总压缩比由两级来负担,因而提高了优良true vacuum度。
rotary vane pump主要由pump body, rotor, vanes, end plates, and springs组成。在rotary vane pump腔内偏心地安装一个rotor, rotor外圆与pump body内表面相切(二者有很小间隙)。rotating time rely on centrifugal force and spring tension make the vanes stay in contact with the inner wall of the pump cavity.
Rotary Vane Pump's rotary vane brings rotor, pump cavity and two end plates together to form a crescent-shaped space which is divided into three parts: A, B & C. When rotating in one direction towards an arrow mark on the side of the shaft (this is called "forward rotation"), part A expands while part C contracts; when reversing direction ("backward rotation"), part B shrinks as it moves from one end to another.
The true vacuums obtained by this method are used for applications such as electronics manufacturing and scientific research that require high purity gases or low pressure conditions.