防疫消杀神器LSB12LSB18 线性振荡水浴摇床打造每一平方米清洁安全的高效解决方案

特点:温控范围广泛,从室温+5℃到99℃,温度稳定性和均匀性均可达±0.1ºC,为实验提供了极高的精度条件。振荡速度灵活调整,支持20-200 rpm,不仅快速而且精准。采用全新的Set and Forget™技术,可实现快速加热并保持长时间的温度稳定,是现代生物学实验中不可或缺的工具。此外,专业的磁耦合技术确保振荡速率无冲击,而Heat mat加热膜技术则防止了腐蚀和漏电问题。




型号 | LSB12 | LSB18


工作体积 L | 12 | 18

温度范围 °C | 环境+5 to 99 | 环境+5 to 99

稳定性 @37°C ±0.1ºC |

均匀性 @37°C ±0.1ºC |

温度显示 °C | Set and Forget™全数字式 |

分辨率 °C | 0.1 |

线性震荡范围/min | 20 to 200 |

线性震荡振幅 mm | 20 |

振荡精度 rpm/Hz/pps/rpm/min/s/min/hour/day/year/month/week, cycle, round-trip, on/off,speed/time/unit of time/cycle/time interval,cycle number/times per day/times per week/times per month,times per year/cycle duration,duration between cycles/duration within a cycle,duration since start up/duration since last use,before the next use after the next use/before the next maintenance after the next maintenance/before the last maintenance after the last maintenance,since start up/since last use/between uses/maintenance intervals,maintenance intervals between cycles,maintenance intervals within a cycle,since start up/since last use,between uses/maintenances/maintenance intervals,maintenances before the next one/afer t

标签: 科技行业资讯
