矩源的提取工艺,不仅成本低廉,而且其综合经济效益显著,使得企业在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。操作简便且维护方便,是矩源多功能提取设备最大的优势之一。而且,这款设备已经获得了专利证书——ZL 2015 2 0989770.3,为用户提供了额外保障。
再来看看上海矩源动态萃.extracted from plant materials, offering a combination of innovative features and advanced technology. With the integration of dynamic extraction and ultrasonic cutting, acceleration impact, and thermal treatment, this device ensures excellent results for various types of raw materials.
As an experienced manufacturer of automation equipment for plant dynamics extraction, Shanghai Matrix offers a wide range of products including low-temperature reverse-flow extractors, essential oil extractors, experimental multi-functional extractors, dynamic hot flow-through extractors with concentrators, laboratory-scale sterilization ovens for food processing lines as well as pharmaceutical production lines. Each product is designed to meet the highest standards while ensuring quality and reliability in every aspect.