

Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知



包立pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下water pipe和给water pipe的standpipe用装修材料packaging起来,起到隐藏pipe的作用。


按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,standpipe能不pack尽量不pack,能use可拆卸材料's pack法就尽量不use固定pack法,能use轻质材料pack就尽量不use厚重材料pack。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipe都是有寿命的,都是一些可能需要检修或更新的。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的装修带去麻烦。


然而,大部分的厨卫water pipe都是要pack 的,更特别是老house使用'copper water pipe’容易生锈影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定pack法与其他wall面统一协调来进行packing与decorating。Packing of pipes费用可以按面积计费,也可以按个算费。


可以在kitchen and bathroom刷完防水涂料后Packaging, 也可以Packaging后再刷防水涂料。但如果water pipe,就应该在刷完防水涂料后Packaging,以免将来万一Pipe路漏water祸及邻居。有Pipe检查口注意,在Packaging的时候留好,以备将来notime之需。

Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法

Package of pipes' construction methods have many varieties, the most common are four: bricklaying method, wooden beam method, light steel beam method, and aluminum plate method. Let's first understand the conversion method and wooden beam method.

1., Bricklaying Method

Bricklaying is a labor-intensive process that requires skilled workers to lay bricks around the standpipes before tiling. The bricks should be tightly packed against the pipes without any gaps. After laying the bricks, they need to be left to dry for some time before applying cement mortar. Once dry, tiles can be applied over the top.

Note: It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the bricks and pipes as this could lead to water seepage or other problems later on.

2., Wooden Beam with Cement Pressure Board Method

The wooden beam with cement pressure board method is simpler than bricklaying but still provides good insulation against noise from plumbing systems within walls. The beams are laid flat along walls where standpipes are located while pressure boards (also known as 'wet pan') made of cement mixed with sand and gravel are placed on top of them for additional support after which tiles can be installed over these surfaces too!

In conclusion both methods provide effective solutions for hiding standpipes in bathrooms but differ in terms of aesthetics appearance based upon individual preferences such as preference towards natural look provided by brickwork or modern look offered through use wood panels combined together effectively creating harmony within home decor settings!
