该系列振动筛具有多项优势:1. 设计精巧耐用,可处理各种粉类及粘液;2. 换网操作简单清晰,便于清洗;3. 网孔不易堵塞,粉末飞扬少,可以达到500目或0.028mm细度;4. 自动排除杂质和粗料,允许连续作业;5. 筛网设计独特,可延长使用寿命并快速更换,只需3—5分钟即可完成;6. 体积小节省空间,便于移动运输;7. 可以堆叠至五层,但建议使用三层配置。
| 型号 | 生产能力(kg/h) | 过滤口径范围 | 电机功率(kw) | 主轴转速(rpm) | 外形尺寸(mm) | 净重(kg) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ZS-350 360° 30° 90° Vibration Sieve, with a production capacity of up to 40-500 kg/hr, suitable for sieving particles in the size range of 12-1200 mesh, driven by a motor with power output of up to 0.55 kW and operating at speeds of around1380 rpm.
ZS-515: The same as above but with a larger size and higher production capacity (up to 60-600 kg/hr).
ZS-650: With an even larger size and higher production capacity (up to80-800 kg/hr).
ZS-Series Vibrating Screens are designed for efficient particle separation in various industries such as chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing and more.
The screens can be used for both dry and wet applications and can handle materials ranging from fine powders to large aggregates.
Here is a summary of the technical specifications for each model:
Model Production Capacity Power Output Speed Dimensions Weight
ZS350/360/30/90Vibrating Screen Up to40kg/h Up to55kW Up t