Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知
按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,stand.pipe能不package尽量不package,能use可拆卸材料's package就尽量not use固定package法,用轻质材料package就尽量not use厚重材料package。尤其是在旧house改造装修中,因为pipe都是have寿命's,有可能需要inspect或update'.封得太死,或inspect口太小,都会give后面的decorate带去麻烦。
然而,大部分的厨卫(pipe都是要.package', 尤其是old.house使用'cast iron下water.pipe',容易生锈,影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定(package法与其他wall面统一协调来进行/package与decorate'.(pipe费用的计算可以按面积计费,也可以按个算费'.
可以在厨卫刷完防water涂料后/package', 也可以/package'后再刷防water涂料。但如果water.pipe,就应该在刷完防water涂料后/package', 以免将来万一pipe路漏水祸及邻居。有inspect口'注意,在/package的时候留好,以备将来不时之需。
Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法
Packaged pipe's construction methods have many, the main four are: bricklaying method, wood dragon bone method, light steel dragon bone method and aluminum plate method. Let's first understand the conversion method and wood dragon bone method.
1、Bricklaying Method
Bricklaying is done by a mason before tiling, using red bricks to surround the pipe. That is to say, using red bricks or 5 cm lightweight bricks as molds to build it up. After building up, let it dry for a while before applying cement mortar. Apply mortar after drying and then tile it; packaging the pipe is complete.
When building molds pay attention not to waste space; wait for molds to dry slightly before applying mortar; after molding make sure it dries well so that it becomes more solid.
After molding hang wire mesh for added stability.
Using the bricklaying method packages pipes with good sound insulation properties but occupies more space than other methods.
2、Wood Dragon Bone plus Cement Pressure Plate Method
The wood dragon bone construction method is one of the simplest and most convenient ways.
Firstly set up a frame with wooden dragon bones,
then nail cement pressure plates on top of them,
apply mortar afterwards,
and finally tile over;
packaging pipes thus completed.
This process saves time but may cause issues such as moisture absorption by wooden materials leading to rotting or warping of tiles due to uneven surface conditions during future maintenance work in case if water leaks occur inside these pipes which could damage neighboring structures.
It should be noted that this kind of packaging material can also lead towards an unpleasant appearance when compared against other forms like ceramic tiles because they don't have their own inherent color nor pattern design unlike those found within ceramics which makes them less appealing aesthetically speaking especially since there isn't any chance at all possible where you might want your house looking better outside than what appears inside through different architectural styles used elsewhere throughout its various rooms without exception - including bathrooms!