

Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知



包立pipe是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水管道和给水 管道的立pipe用装修材料包装起来,起到隐藏pipe 的作用。


按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,stand-pipe能不包尽量不package, 能使用可拆卸材料的package就尽可能不使用固定package, 能使用轻质材料package就尽可能不使用厚重材料package。尤其是在旧房改造装修中,因为pipe都是有寿命的,都有一定的可能性需要检修或更新。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的decorating带来麻烦。


然而,大部分的kitchen and bathroom pipe都是要被hidden away 的,更特别的是老房子里用的铸铁下water pipe容易生锈影响外观,所以大多数情况下都会采用固定package与其他墙面统一协调来进行隐蔽与decoration。Package fee可以根据面积计费,也可以每个算费。


可以在kitchen and bathroom刷完防water涂料后对stand-pipes进行隐蔽,也可以对stand-pipes进行隐蔽后再刷防water涂料。但如果是water pipe,就应该在刷完防water涂料后对stand-pipes 进行隐蔽,以免将来万一发生leakage祸及邻居。在安装检查口的时候要注意留好,以备将来随时之需。

Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法

Package standpipes' construction methods have many varieties. The most common ones are four: bricklaying method, wood beam method, light steel beam method, and aluminum plate method. Let's first understand the two main methods of converting and wood beams.

1、Bricklaying Method

The bricklaying method is performed by masons before tiling. Red bricks or 5 cm lightweight bricks are used to build a pit around the standpipes. After building the pit, it should be dried slightly before applying cement mortar. After applying mortar, tiles can be attached to complete the package.


When building pits around standpipes, attention should be paid not to waste space.

The pits should be built tightly against pipes.

Before applying mortar after drying slightly,

it is necessary to strengthen stability with iron wire mesh.


Using the bricklaying method for packaging pipes has good sound insulation properties but occupies more space due to its thickness.

It may cause tile cracking when tiling over it.

2、Wood Beam + Cement Pressure Board Method

This is one of the simplest ways of packaging pipes using wooden beams as scaffolding boards on which cement pressure plates are nailed after which they are covered in plaster for attaching tiles.


Since wooden materials may rot in damp environments,

the area where stands will meet water must be waterproofed before attaching tiles.

Wooden beams should preferably have a size of at least 3 * 4 cm so as not to warp or crack later on.

Tile attachment may lead to cracks due to differences in thermal expansion between different components during installation processes that involve high temperatures such as firing clay into ceramic material (in ceramics manufacturing process).
