Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知
包立 管是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水 管道和给 水 管 道 的 立 管 用 装 修 材料 包 裳 起 到 隐藏 管 道 的 作 用。
按麻烦程度和不稳定程度来说,立 管 能 不 包 尽 可 能 不 包,能用可拆卸材料的包法就尽量不用固定包法,能用轻质材料包就尽量不用厚重材料包。尤其是在旧房改造装修中,因为.pipe 都是有寿命的,都是一定会需要检修或更新的。封得太死,或检修口太小,都会给以后的装修带去麻烦。
然而,大部分的厨卫.pipe 都是要.pack 的,更别提老房子使用的铸铁下.water.pipe 了,它们容易生锈,影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定.pack 法与其他墙面统一协调来进行.pack 与装饰。pack 的费用可以按面积计费,也可以按个算费。
4、pack 也需做防水
可以在..brush 完防水涂料后.pack ,也可以.pack 后再 brush 防水涂料。但如果.water.pipe 就应该在 brush 完防water 涂料后.pack,以免将来万一.pi leaks 出现祸及邻居。有检查口的地方注意,在 pack 时留好,以备将来不时之需。
Part2:施工方法 砌砖法 vs 木龙骨法
pack 的施工方法有很多种,常见的一般有四种,一种是砌砖法,一种是木龙骨法,还有一两种轻钢龙骨板材跟塑铝板材,但这两者现在用的很少,所以我主要说一下砌砖与木龙骨两者的区别及优缺点,以及它们各自如何安装以及注意事项:
brick 工程即由泥工施工,在贴..brick 前,用红..brick 砌,把 pipe 把起来。也就是.use red ..bricks 或 5 公分轻体..bricks 折起着 brick 斗而且斗斜着撑起,然后再抹灰了,再贴上瓷片或者石材,那样 pipe 就被完全覆盖了,不仅美观,而且隔音性好,比如说如果你听到旁边有人敲门,你几乎不会听得到声音,但是这种办法成本相对较高,因为每次撑一次新的红..brick 需要一定数量,每次完工后还得晾干才能再继续工作,这个过程有些耗时间,并且占据空间大一点。但总体来说还是一个非常好的选择,只不过有点慢些而已。
2.wooden beam with cement slab method
wooden beam construction method is the simplest and most cost-effective way to hide pipes, but it's also less durable than the brick method. The process involves setting up a wooden frame around the pipes and then attaching cement slabs on top of them. After that, you can tile or install flooring materials over the slabs to cover up the pipes completely.
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider factors like durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics before choosing which one to use for your project.
Part3: Common Construction Techniques - Lintel Beam Method vs Aluminum Board Method
The previous sections introduced two common methods of hiding pipes: brick work and wooden beam with cement slab work. Now let's discuss two more techniques: lintel beam construction using aluminum boards.
1.,light steel lintel beams with concrete slabs.
Light steel lintel beams are popular for hiding pipes because they're lightweight yet strong enough to support heavy loads without warping or sagging over time. To construct a light steel lintel beam system:
Set up four light steel beams as a framework around each pipe section.
Seal any gaps between the frames using waterproof sealant.
Apply concrete slabs on top of these frames after checking by an inspector.
Install magnetic tiles or other decorative materials over these slabs for aesthetic purposes.
This method offers excellent stability while allowing easy access if needed later in case of repairs or replacements due its removable nature compared with other approaches that could require additional structural changes during future renovations.
2.,dado board installation (using aluminum panels).
Dado board installation is another approach where you create an integrated wall panel structure including both sides (and possibly bottom) using aluminum panels instead of just covering only part(s) above ground level at floor height through dado boards' use within rooms being renovated; this type requires some extra planning regarding how best layout room furniture considering newly installed dadoboards’ dimensions & space constraints though overall design flexibility provided makes such solution appealing when comparing alternatives available!