Part1:隐藏厨卫管道 包立管施工需知
包立管是一个家居装修用语,即在家居装修时,把厨房和卫生间的下水 管道和给水 管 道 的 立 管 用 装 修 材料包装起来,起到隐藏 管 道 的作用。
然而,大部分的厨卫pipe都是要包的,尤其是老房子使用的铸铁下water pipe,容易生锈,影响外观,所以一般情况下会采用固定法与其他墙面统一协调来进行package与decorate。package of pipe's fee can be calculated by area or individual.
package also need to do waterproofing
can brush waterproof coating after pipes are installed, or install pipes and then brush waterproof coating. If water pipes, should brush waterproof coating after installation, to avoid future leakage affecting neighbors.
Part2:Construction Methods Bricks vs Wooden Beams
Package of pipe's construction methods have many varieties, commonly seen as four kinds: bricklaying method, wooden beam method, lightweight steel beam method and aluminum plate method. Below first come understand the conversion method and wooden beam method.
Bricklaying Method
Bricklaying is a mud worker construction technique used in laying bricks before tiling to encase the standpipes (vertical water supply pipes). The bricks are laid in a "dough" shape around the standpipes with 5 cm thick light clay bricks for better heat insulation during winter months when temperatures drop significantly inside homes while keeping energy costs low due to reduced heating needs; once completed allow time for drying before applying cement mortar between layers ensuring tight seal preventing water seepage through cracks or gaps from outside weather conditions like rainfalls causing further damage within walls leading potential mold growth issues requiring costly repairs later on down road years ahead if not addressed properly now at this point today!