A refrigerator, also known as a fridge, is an essential household appliance used to preserve and store food at low temperatures. It is typically equipped with shelves, drawers, and compartments to organize various types of food items. The most common types of refrigerators include top-freezer models, bottom-freezer models, side-by-side models, and French door models.
Washing Machine
A washing machine is a crucial home appliance that automates the process of cleaning clothes by agitating them in water with detergent and then rinsing them thoroughly. There are several types of washing machines available in the market such as front-loading washers and top-loading washers.
Air Conditioner (AC)
An air conditioner is an electronic device that cools or heats the air in a room or building for better comfort during extreme weather conditions. They work on the principle of heat transfer from one medium to another using refrigeration or evaporation processes.
Microwave Oven
A microwave oven uses non-ionizing radiation called microwaves to heat food quickly without cooking it evenly like conventional ovens do. This saves time while preparing meals but requires careful attention not to overheat certain ingredients which might cause nutrient loss or even lead to fires if left unattended.
A dishwasher is a home appliance designed primarily for cleaning dishes effectively through hot water circulation followed by drying cycles after each use meal preparation at your fingertips becomes more convenient than ever before when you have this helpful device around!